Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ray-J Vs. Fab....Nobody's gonna clown Floyd?

By now, everybody's heard Ray J's ridiculous hilarious rant. Subsequently, you probably also listened to Fab's logical response. But I feel like everybody is focusing on the wrong thing. When Fab was questioning why Ray J was playing the piano in Mayweather's crib, my first thought was, "What the hell made Floyd think that a Ray J concert in his crib would be fly?" It kinda baffles me that nobody else thinks that Floyd is to blame for all this LOL.

THEN...I stumbled across the youtube clip of the "concert" that Fab clowned (because I didn't see it when it originally aired on HBO)...and this made it even worse. Skip to about 1:28 into the video and PLEASE see how HYPE Mayweather is about Ray J singing "One Wish." He's clearly the biggest fan of Willie Norwood Jr.

In conclusion, Fab shouldn't have come at Ray J...he should have clowned Mayweather for being so proud of this "serious concert" (as Floyd called it.) And Ray J should have swung at Floyd for having him look like a fool on cable TV. But then again, he saw what happened to Ortiz. (I probably definitely would have chosen an easier target too!) LOL But I digress... As always, Les is more ;)


  1. Leslie u r a really great writer. i ve always liked ur blog...keep writing honey

    ---- oooo

  2. I kinda wish I knew who I was thanking lol But THANKS!!! :)

  3. Team RAY J!!!...sorry Les I just got to rep everywhere I
