Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I'm probably going to be SLV's #1 fan.

One of the great things about Valentine's Days, other than all of the spreading of love and flowers and candy and stuff, is that people tend to release new free music. If I remember correctly, I think Chris Brown and Willie from Day 26 dropped dope mixtapes a couple years ago on Vday, along with a few other people. Frankly, I think it's a great gift from artists. (Who doesn't want free music?) This year, not only can you find mixtapes from Raheem DeVaughn and Jake & Papa, but SLV released a new track. (I haven't listened to that Jake & Papa mixtape yet but don't sleep on them...I'll probably post something about that later.)

But anyway, this SLV (which stands for Summer Leather Vest) song called "Tell Him Somthing" has been on repeat for a good part of the day (which is higly inappropriate for work...but whatever lol). I love this group. I've only heard a few of their songs, but I love all of them, especially "Unison."

I like Emanny, but the more I listened to "Tell Him Something", I kept wishing that it was Trey Songz. It just sounds like a track that could have went on Anticipation 2. LOL. But don't get me wrong, Emanny killed it.

The bottom line is: if they dropped an album, I'd make that trip to Best Buy and get my Wells Fargo card swiped for that. Check it out:

P.S - Joey's swag >>>>>>>>

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