The first one, I have to thank @ChampFreeman for puttin me on. I LOVE this Frank Ocean dude. I swear I love almost every song on this project.
(Click the picture to download)

The second one is The Weeknd. It's a little different, but I love this too. The melodies are crazy and the production is great. It's always good to hear artists bring something new to a genre....I mean, obviously, there's a lot of singing, but I wouldn't classify this as traditional R&B. Either way, check it out.
(Click the picture to download)

The last one is a new mixtape from Kevin Cossom. If you know nothing about him, please step your music game up. lol
(Click the picture to download)

I've been wanting to do some music reviews for a few of the albums that have dropped recently, but I just haven't really had the time to GO IN like I want to. So, I just want to mention a few albums that you might want to spend money on.
1. Chris Brown's "F.A.M.E." album. Despite whatever has been going on with him, this kid is talented. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Other than Usher, and Beyonce, Chris Brown is the most talented PERFORMER that this generation has seen. I think this album was exactly what he needed to make a comeback after his scandal and that atrocious "Graffiti" album. I downloaded the album when it leaked and STILL bought it when it hit the shelves. Best songs: "Paper, Scissors, Rock", "Beg For It", "Oh My Love", "Wet the Bed" and "Up 2 You". (Obviously, "No Bullshit" and "Deuces" need no commentary.)

2. Bobby V's "Fly On the Wall". His vocals aren't as amazing as he thinks they are but this is a SOLID album. I still don't know how I feel about his remake of Bobby Brown's "Rock Wit'cha" but each his own. I think that you could almost listen to the album without skipping a song. I'd have to listen to the album a little more to say which songs are my favorite but I like all of the songs that have a rap feature. I will say this: that "Altered Ego" with 50 Cent goes INNNNNN.

3. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT sleep on that Travis Barker album, "Give The Drummer Some." Secretly, it's a rap album with all of the hottest producers. All you really need to do is look at the tracklist to see why you might need to hear it.