And in all honesty, there's just too damn many of y'all.
I'll admit, some of the things that people say about Kobe are true. But the reasons that people have for not liking this man are some of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard in my life. And don't get me wrong, everyone is entitled to their own opinion about a person, but at what point does a hater decide that it is no longer appropriate to hate on someone?

I feel like at some point, somewhere, somehow, it became cool to not like Kobe Bryant. It seems some people don't like him because of what they heard somebody else say and didn't really take the time to figure it out for themselves. I only made this conclusion based on some of the reasons that people tell me that they don't like Kobe. So let's break this down…shall we?
Reason number 1: "I can't stand him…he's so arrogant!" I can't really argue with this one, but only because I've found that the perception of arrogance can vary. Personally, I like the sureness and confidence that Kobe has about himself and his game. If you think you're amazing, and you really are…then I don't feel like I can really argue with that…but I can see how that would annoy people and make them not want to support someone. BUT…these same people who say they "can't stand him…he's so arrogant" are the same people who wholeheartedly defend and support Lebron James. ARE YOU SERIOUS? Lebron James is so full of himself that he can't even go and shake hands with the opposing team if they beat him. I'm talking about a man who is so arrogant that he will refuse to do media interviews if he doesn't have a good game. Lebron is an amazing player but his sportsmanlike conduct is basically non-existent. So, if you love Lebron but don't like Kobe, don't act like arrogance is a factor in your decision. And Kanye West? (I'm moving away from basketball for a second just to prove a point…) Kanye might be one of the most arrogant celebrities that I have ever seen in my life. But you know what people say about him after they go and buy his album? "I don't like Kanye as a person, I just like his music." So, fine. Don't like Kobe. Respect his game and stop being a hater.

Reason number 3: "Kobe is such a cry-baby. He's always complaining to the refs!" First of all, I don't know which game of basketball you're watching where star players don't complain about some of the calls they get. Wade, Carmelo, Duncan, Lebron, KG, Dirk,…anybody. In fact, it happens so often, that players and coaches are fined by the NBA for even talking about it in the media. Don't try to single Kobe out for something that everybody does. And if you think Kobe is a "cry-baby," you BETTER NOT even think about liking Rasheed Wallace. This man swears that he never touches anybody during any of the games. And we're not even going to talk about how he was escorted out of the Staples Center for camping outside of the referees' locker room after Game 7. C'mon, hater, on to the next.

Reason number 4 (and this is one of my favorites…) "I'm so tired of seeing the Lakers win." Wow. How stupid do you sound? You wouldn't be tired of seeing your favorite team win all the time. But let me ask you this, hater, if the Lakers are playing the Celtics, who are you going to cheer for? The Celtics??? But if you're tired of seeing the same team win, why would you root for the franchise that has won the most championships in NBA history. I'll tell you why…because you're a hater.
Reason number 5: "He's so overrated." I've even heard people say that they don't like watching Kobe play because they feel like the commentators give Kobe too much credit for what the Lakers accomplish. My response to them is always, "Have you seen them play without Kobe?" Are people missing all these game winning shots that he makes? Don't you hear people say that he's the best closer in the game? If you think that the Lakers would win championships without Kobe Bryant, you have got to be retarded. If you want to know what overrated looks like, go take a peep at the star of that Cleveland team. It must suck to THINK that you have to best player in league, as he repeatedly disappoints you every season. Even Skip Bayless from ESPN said, "At 6-9, 260, Lebron [is the] most spectacular attacker of [the] basket we've ever seen. We watch because of what [we] MIGHT see or what we SHOULD see …and don't." Kobe has proven that he's a champion..and you're just proving that you're a hater.

Reason number 7: "Why did he have to marry that mexican chick? He doesn't like black women." Does this have ANYTHING to do with the game of basketball? No, hater, it doesn't. And didn't Michael Jordan leave his black wife and is now dating a white chick? And we still consider him the greatest. Only a true hater searches for reasons not to like a person. Relax.

Reason number 8: "I just don't like him." I guess that I can respect that you didn't make up all of these other ridiculous reasons that other people have but really? Just shut up. You probably don't even watch basketball.
Reason number 9: " Kobe is so selfish. He's not a team player." I guess in the beginning of his career, this was a legitimate complaint. But now…not so much. You can look the stats up for yourself. Not only is he a team player, he's damn near an assistant coach. If you're really a basketball fan and watch the games, it's obvious that Kobe has realized that the team is more important than himself. Appreciate the growth.

And last, but not least, reason number 10. I have to say, this is the one that irritates me the most: "He's trying to be Jordan." The reality of the situation is that every time a good player enters the league, everybody is looking for "the next Jordan." Remember when everybody thought that it was going to be Penny Hardaway? Vince Carter? Tracy McGrady? The bottom-line is…Kobe catches flack for being the closest thing to it. But why does he have to be "the next Jordan"…why can't he just be "the first Kobe?" But, hater, I REALLY want you to think about this. If Jordan is the greatest, and Kobe is trying to be like Jordan, what's the problem? If Kobe was an activist and wanted to be like Martin Luther King, would that be an issue for you? Do people hate on Usher for being inspired by Michael Jackson? If Kobe was a comedian, and wanted to be like Richard Pryor, is there a problem with that? At the end of the day, Kobe is really just trying to be Kobe. If he was trying to be Jordan, he would have went to college. If he was trying to be Jordan, he wouldn't have scored 81 points in one game. If he was trying to be Jordan, he would have come into the league and put a #23 on his jersey (like Lebron did.) Yes, he sticks out his tongue and pulls up for jumpers like Jordan did, but is that reason to not appreciate his game? Did you stop appreciating Lil' Wayne's verses after he admitted to no longer writing his raps down because he heard that Jay-Z doesn't put his on paper? Probably not. After the Lakers won Game 7 against the Celtics, somebody tweeted, "Look at Kobe trying to be Jordan again. He put 5 fingers up just like Jordan did." Ummm…hello? How many fingers is Kobe supposed to put up when he gets 5 rings? I say all of this to say: when it comes to Kobe and Jordan, appreciate the similarities, recognize the differences and move on. Kobe Bryant will never be Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan will never be Kobe Bryant. And you, hater, will never be either or them.